Slim Sonic for athletes

Improve your performance

  • For all sports

    Are you a runner or a fitness enthusiast? With Slim Sonic, we accompany you in all your workouts!

  • For more energy

    With your own fuel at your disposal, Slim Sonic helps you reduce your fatigue during exercise for a better recovery.

  • For new challenges

    With Slim Sonic's support in your training, you can take on new challenges, improve your personal bests, and excel!

You are the best!

Like any self-respecting athlete, you are looking to excel, whether you are preparing to participate in a race, a marathon or any other competition. That’s why we are committed to helping you condition yourself to exceed your personal bests.
We also help you when you return to sport after a break or an injury.

Whatever your situation, we are here for you!

Which sportsman are you ?

For the sportsman seeking to improve his performances, Slim Sonic makes it possible to bring a complementary source of energy which is directly placed at the disposal of the muscles.

Whatever sport you practice, fitness, crossfit, yoga, soccer, badminton, skiing, surfing … you can combine your Slim Sonic for a better result.

The only limit… YOUR IMAGINATION!

Use your Slim Sonic easily, wherever you are

Our modules have been designed by a team concerned with your well-being to help you lose fat more easily.

What is the secret?

  • Apply

    your module on the area you want to treat

  • Move

    for 40 min

  • Repeat

    up to 6 times a week

Les modules émettent des ondes ultrasoniques qui déstructurent et liquéfient les cellules graisseuses bloquées dans les adipocytes.
L’énergie dépensée lors d’une activité physique permet de consommer les graisses libérées.

The technology

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