Slim Sonic to try

You hesitate before buying?

  • 9 days to convince yourself

    Still hesitating? You can try our modules before you buy them!

  • 9 days to move

    You are going away but you want to continue your treatment at the center? Now is your chance!

  • 9 days to give everything

    Need to lose a few inches before an event? We invite you to try our flagship modules during this time!

Benefit from a credit on the purchase of a module

Have you been seduced by your rental? Why not turn this experience into a long-term adventure? At the end of the rental period, you can convert it into a purchase for which we will deduct the amount already paid.

Why wait any longer? Take advantage of this opportunity now and turn your rental into a fully-fledged property!

Contact us for more information

Use your Slim Sonic easily, wherever you are

Our modules have been designed by a team concerned with your well-being to help you lose fat more easily.

What is the secret?

  • Apply

    your module on the area you want to treat

  • Move

    for 40 min

  • Repeat

    up to 6 times a week

Les modules émettent des ondes ultrasoniques qui déstructurent et liquéfient les cellules graisseuses bloquées dans les adipocytes. L’énergie dépensée lors d’une activité physique permet de consommer les graisses libérées.

The technology

Discover Slim Sonic in our network

    Try it for yourself

    Discover the devices